Information Packet Chair Job Description
Primary Responsibilities
Review all Ceramic Showcase Steering Committee Meetings minutes and make sure all policy changes are included in the Information Packet.
Assemble and edit information needed for the Information Packet from all Ceramic Showcase committee chairs.
Update all information on website
Education / Experience / Skills
Good organizational and communication skills.
Excellent writing skills.
Strong familiarity with computer applications- need to update website.
Specific Duties/Timeline
Set a deadline for submission of information for the information packet that is approximately 8 weeks prior to the show. This will give you about 2 weeks to collect late information and prepare the packet for emailing/printing.
Submit an announcement to the Newsletter Editor not later than February 10th. Note that all information to be included in the information Packet must be submitted by the deadline noted in the announcement.
From the last year’s Information Packet, copy and paste the section pertaining to each chair in an email, asking for input and corrections. Use this corrected information for this year’s packet.
Eight weeks before the show
Collect any late information. Check with the Work Shifts Chair to be sure work shift assignment pages will be ready on time and in a usable format.
Five to six weeks before the show
Obtain a list of sponsor booth participants from the Sponsorship Chair. Send the packet to the Ceramic Showcase Chair(s) and Treasurer for input. Finalize the information in the packet. This includes working with the Work Shifts chair to obtain the latest possible version of work shift assignments
Have the packet proofread by at least three other SSC members.
Budget - Expenses include printing/copying, envelopes, and postage. The amount will depend upon how many people check the “US MAIL” option on the Ceramic Showcase application and the length of the document. It’s best to estimate on the high side.
Committee Needs - Chair only. (About 40+ hours of work is needed to complete the duties.) Work Shift Needs - None
Records Storage and Retention
Hard copies and computer file copies are kept with the present chair. Internet copies are always available on the OPA web site. Are they in the password protected area?
Packets are to be retained by the present chair until transfer of the position at which time documents should be sent to new chair as reference only.