Membership Director
Maintains all online membership records, engages with current and new members and coordinates all membership activities. Oversees the membership committee.
Primary Responsibilities
Maintain an accurate record of all current and past members.
Verify that addresses on all membership applications are within the boundaries stated in our policies.
Verify that the addresses for newsletter only subscriptions are at least 100 miles from the Portland Metro area.
Help facilitate new membership applications through Membership Database.
Meet and greet all new members that attend the General Meetings.
Coordinate with the Member Outreach Coordinator on new member gatherings and get-togethers.
Send new member information to the Member Outreach Coordinator.
Provide complete membership lists and files as needed.
Keep all member information confidential. Data is never to be released outside OPA.
Attend OPA Board meetings or submit a written report to the OPA President and OPA Secretary at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Excellent organizational skills.
Good computer skills
Requires a Windows computer, internet access, and email.
Excellent verbal and written communications skills are important.
Specific Duties/Timeline
As Needed:
Update the membership database for all applications and renewals received.
Provide a formatted mailing label list to any chair that requests them.
Send new member information to the Member Outreach Coordinator whenever new members are added.
Send a list in Excel format to the Data Coordinator, Webmaster, Treasurer, and President. Maintain the format of previously released lists.
Board Meeting Months:
Attend the board meeting or submit a written report to the OPA President and OPA Secretary at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Report the current number of members and newsletter only subscriptions.
Mid-January - Send a list in Excel format to the Ceramic Showcase Points Chair containing the last name, first name, and organization name.
Send out a reminder email to members who have not renewed.
Send out a preliminary draft of the Membership roster and ask members to check their listing for accuracy.